February 2nd, 2017 - Youth Ministry Today

One of the questions I get asked ALL THE TIME is "So.... what do you do every day?" Turns out a lot of people just have a hard time imagining how I fill my week - and, honestly, it's hard to explain sometimes. So, I'm going to post a pic (or 2 or 3) each day that I'm working to show you what I actually do!

Today in youth ministry I started off by capitalizing on my flexible office hours to take our little guy Ezra to the dentist - I've never seen him sit so still for so long.

The afternoon was a mix of emails, dealing with receipts and deposits, organizing paper work, and a bit of event planning. Ministry is extremely administrative. Like way more than I would've imagined. But, if you want things to go smoothly, you've gotta take care of business behind the scenes.

Also this afternoon I went to a retirement party (forgot to snap a pic) for one of the coaches I've worked with over the past 9 years at Parkside Collegiate. Kevin Macintyre is, and has for a long time, been a fantastic coach, teacher, and mentor to hundreds of students. The turnout today was evidence of how loved he is.

This evening I'm taking some time (once the kids are in bed) to type out notes from our Sno Camp meeting yesterday to get all of the sessions plans finalized. We've got over 1000 people coming over two weekends and we wanna make sure everything goes off really well!

February 2nd, 2017
Jeremy BestComment